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Making A Life Changing                     Choice

     Here are some of the Life Changing Programs that we have to offer the addolesant's that chose to make a positive and lucrative changes with and within their own lives.

   I believe that our students will learn more than meets the eye. With this NEW Level of learning it will be a whole new game changer because the Guidance that we are trying to let them see  should change their whole mindset, with little things that don't only help them but can helps everyone that they are around or come in contact with a little bit at a time is what we are hoping for.

These are the little extra things that they shall learn in each class, Team Work Skills, Problem Resolutions (Using Negative Force should always be the last way to resolve anything), We are basicly trying to show them how to become Great Leader (within their own stage in life no matter where that is) within their peer groups since kids listen to kids the best hopefully this type of thinking should spread like wild fire within each of their lives.

Mechanic Examining Engine

Here we have our very own Automotive Repair program. With this program our students will not only learn a little bit about Removing/Replacing/Repairing some of todays modern means of transportation but they will also learn about the Theory on how the combustible engine is designed.

Mechanics at Work

       Repair                    Apprentice

I've learned thru my YEARS of diagnostics of these engine's that that theory alone i have relied on and that theory has helped me out on some very complicated situations, so from my own personal beliefs i believe that our students will most defiantly be learning this if they don't understand anything else about the combustibles engine they will at lease know the theory on the engines design

       Plus best part to me would be how, when one of our students is doing above average & passes our course we will then hook them up with an apprenticeship at one of the many apartments that we have hooked up within our association for our student to excel no matter their age.

Gardening Lesson


Man Mowing Lawn

      Here we have the landscaping part of the program     With this program we show our students the correct way to cut down hedges, shape bushes, trim trees,

& manicure the edges of the yard, sprinkler system install/repair, sod installation & up-keep & More

       We will also show how easy it is to keep the lines within the grass that they cut as well as the most effective ways to clean the area of trimming's.

       We show our addolesants the art that's in landscaping as we paint a picture of society's idea of perfection in yard so they can put their own twist on it to make our old ways even better as well as learning the correct way to bill & talk with their customers

       Plus best part to me would be how, when one of our students is doing above average & passes our course we will then hook them up with an apprenticeship at one of the many apartments that we have hooked up within our association for our student to excel no matter their age.

Handyman/Maintanace  Apprentice


       Here we have the Handyman/maintenance part of the program.

       Within this program we  will be showing our students how to do a little bit bout every aspect of repairing everything within a home or an apartment.

       Everything from dry wall repair, plumbing, carpets, cleaning, painting, patch repairs in the dry walls, door hanging, light appliance repair, down to minor electronical work.

Our addolesant's are going to learn ways to solve multiple problems as well as knowing the right to communicate with a positive attitude no matter what life throws their way.

Drilling With Dad

        Plus best part to me would be how, when one of our students is doing above average & passes our course we will then hook them up with an apprenticeship at one of the many apartments that we have hooked up within our association for our student to excel no matter their age.

Wall painter
Paint Buckets

Here we have the Painters part of our Program

Here we are showing our addolances how to properly prep the area by mask the area off thats going to be painted.

       They will be painting with an airless sprayer as well as going behind the gun with the roller to make it all even. how to get the corners and the inner window seals without getting the paint everywhere as well as repairing minor holes in the drywall and cleaning their area before and after each job.


       Plus best part to me would be how, when one of our students is doing above average & passes our course we will then hook them up with an apprenticeship at one of the many apartments that we have hooked up within our association for our student to excel no matter their age.

Security Guard in Uniform

       This is our Security & Crowd control part of the program .

Here we show our students how to become Confident in their own words because if they aren't confident in their own words then not even a 2 year old would respect their words, so how would they or any one else. They would need the confidence along with the knowledge of the law that we provide, as well as the judo self defense & summit classes that we provide to them only so that our students can keep themselves safe as well as the clients they are would be assigned to provide their services to.

Security Guard

Security/Crowd Control

     We all know that this has became a hectic time that we live in where the young has became ruthless & none caring about a lot. Its gotten to the point where if you provide your kids along with their friends a safe spot to gather & have fun there will be some rif-raf that wants to cause hectic so you would need security for those just in case situation's where security that has the permittion & the baccing of the law to help out so that your little party don't take officers off of their routs but you will have their little brothers you can say in a way.


Janitors in Uniforms
Mopping the Floor

This is our Janitorial part of the program and Just cause this job deals with taking out trash and Cleaning up some what of an area don't mean that it is any less important as any other job.

In most cases a few days without this company a lot of jobs that the Janitors take care of, would be way to messy to be able to continue working. Thats mainly because Humans are filthy animals & not only that but they loose importaint things because in more ways than one they are totally simple minded for the most part, & without someone coming around emptying the trash wipe down some counters wax some floors 

well things might just get

a little out of hand

Industrial Vacuum

       Plus best part to me would be how, when one of our students is doing above average & passes our course we will then hook them up with an apprenticeship at one of the many apartments that we have hooked up within our association for our student to excel no matter their age.

Office Receptionist

Office Receptionist

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Hotel Check In
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